Let’s Play

 Play is included in our daily schedule

 Our wide open play room allows grown ups the ability to relax and enjoy conversation with our new found friends, while they are able to see their children from every corner! Perhaps, consider this a social hour for you and you children! During play children will be free to choose their sensory play experiences including various tangibles for exposure to textures igniting conversations promoting language development and inspiration!

mom and kids having fun at indoor playground tampa

Babies may begin crawling and walking which is often motivated through our all inclusive set up blending children and caregivers with watchful guidance. 

During our open playtime your children will use their creativity by exercising their gross motor skills while they explore the space through climbing, sliding, and riding on moveable push toys.

Playtime is a great time for your babies, toddlers, preschoolers to release some energy and enjoy new experiences!

  Infants enjoy our soft play quiet zone with mirrors and age specific activities. 

  Thank you for sharing your experience at
K Peas Place!




During open playtime children will use their imagination, gain independence, share, and take turns. Caregivers can be a part of play time, playing a role in a game, be the audience of their puppet shows, or creating an arts and crafts project together. Creative Open Play is child-led time for spontaneous creativity and growth.

Play is a wonderful educational experience for parents, caregivers, babies, toddlers and preschoolers. It is a time for spontaneous fun and play. Moms meet other moms. Kids make friends and play together.

 You are welcome to bring in outside food to be enjoyed at our tables!

Enjoy a cup of coffee and

let the children play!

Our spacious wide open floor plan includes everyone. 

We mindfully select unique high quality everyday items to initiate your child’s imagination!  


Benefits At A Glance

  • Parents fully engage with their kids
  • Children develop social skills
  • Children build confidence
  • Children build physical skills
  • Relaxed fun
  • Spontaneous fun
  • Make friends
  • Set up play dates
  • Have fun, fun, fun!

Play is critical for childhood development. PLAY is not just fun for children, it is children’s work. It is essential for developing social skills and feelings of happiness, love, and safety. During play, children learn to communicate and care for others, as well as the physical skills to interact with their environment.

Useful Links:

We look forward to welcoming you and your sweet peas!!