PLAY & Learn | Wednesdays


PLAY & Learn | Wednesdays


Each week on Wednesdays our lessons are designed to have fun through playful learning experiences including hands on activities, and offer an extra special component provided by the adults that join us!! Through interactive discussions we share our brain power and ignite learning together!!

see schedule: Structured Classes For Kids


~Letter Nn~

Let’s talk about your NAME!

Think about the importance to each individual’s NAME!  Your NAME is special, because you are special.  Do you know why you were given YOUR NAME?  Perhaps, you have a NICKNAME. How did you acquire your NICKNAME? (a NAME other than your given NAME on your birth certificate)

As babies are born and NAMES are selected their NAME becomes recognizable quite quickly.

I’m curious to how often a babies NAME is said in the first year!  Babies turn to us when we say their NAME, giving us cues that they can hear us and show a sense of pride to say yes, here I am!

I see you too!

Our NAME is perhaps our logo.  After audio recognition comes visual recognition. 

Do your children know your NAME?  Knowing their parents NAMES is important in case they were ever lost and NEEDED help contacting you.

Most children will know their caregivers by their “title” at first such as Mama, Dada, Sissy, NANA, G-ma and so forth…  Letter M is for Mother’s Day | Preschool Activities







Preschoolers love to make things special for their caregivers!  Practicing spelling NAMES and creating a keepsake can be done with letter beads!  NOT only will they practice letter recognition, they will practice their fine motor skills using various threading supplies.  For the youngest, we suggest pipe cleaners because they are sturdy and bendable! (careful of the tip, it’s pointy)

In addition, pipe cleaners are fuzzy, providing sensory exploration and offer lots of color!  Creating NAME NECKLACES provide math skills including counting, sequencing, and patterning. You may expand and add beads with NUMBERS too!

As we acquire gifts from our children NAME NECKLACES are most likely to be keepers as we purge through all the things we receive and acquire through the years, there is something extra special about being able to wear our gifts from our children!

Another idea includes NATURE!  We love NATURAL beauty!  NEXT time you go for a walk, collect items, such as leaves and flowers to thread or use tape around your wrist to stick your treasures on to make a bracelet.


We’d love to hear from you and read a “story” including as many Nn words you can think of.  Play along and allow your brain power to guide you into writing or illustrating a story for your family to enjoy as we did for K is for Kids and Kindness  | Preschool Learning

We love this submission from one of our class moms. Enjoy!

…..”One of my aunts makes beautiful glass beads by hand. She recently sent me a NECKLACE that is a truly NICE way to remember her each time that I wear it around my NECK or NOTICE it NESTLED in a tray on my dresser…….”


NEXT week:

Jump into class with us to make your own NAME NECKLACE on:

Wednesday July 21st at K Peas Place!

Registration is NECESSARY


Welcome!    We’re so glad you’re here!



We are now booking private events including birthday parties and play sessions.

Birthday Parties for Kids


PLAY & Learn | Wednesdays